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The Netherlands

Le foyer d'étude aux Pays-Bas : De nouvelles conceptions pour de nouvelles pédagogies
Year: 1998 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Suite aux réactions des employeurs et des établissements d’enseignement tertiaire, une nouvelle forme d’« architecture d’apprentissage » se fait jour dans les écoles secondaires aux Pays-Bas. Les autorités néerlandaises chargées de l’élaboration des programmes ont décidé qu’une stratégie entièrement nouvelle s’imposait. Fonctionnant dans un environnement qui n’a rien à voir avec la salle de classe traditionnelle, le foyer d’étude donnera aux élèves du système d’enseignement public la possibilité de travailler en équipe, de définir leur propre travail scolaire, se préparant par là même aux études supérieures et à la vie active.


Education --- Netherlands

L'attribution du prix de la construction scolaire aux Pays-Bas
Year: 1999 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Le prix de la construction scolaire est attribué tous les deux ans depuis 1992 au conseil d’établissement néerlandais qui s’est révélé capable de faire preuve d’innovation dans la conception architecturale de son établissement tout en respectant le budget dont il dispose. Ce prix, salué comme un moyen de mettre en place une architecture scolaire de qualité aux Pays-Bas, fait connaître les projets couronnés de succès, de sorte que d’autres écoles peuvent tirer parti des innovations conceptuelles et des renseignements communiqués. Le prix de la construction scolaire de 1998 a été attribué à l’École britannique de La Haye, établissement assurant un enseignement élémentaire et secondaire du premier cycle.


Education --- Netherlands

New Drivers in Mobility : What Moves the Dutch in 2012 and Beyond?
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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In early 2011, the Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis performed a mobility analysis, focussing on recent trends. This analysis showed that, following the remarkable growth in the 1980s and 1990s, the total national mobility of people in the Netherlands has not increased since 2005. This particularly appears to apply to car use. Except for the economic crisis around 2008/2009, the reasons for this development remained unclear at the time…


Transport --- Netherlands

Product Market Competition and Economic Performance in the Netherlands
Authors: ---
Year: 2005 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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This paper assesses what role product market competition and reforms may have played in the performance of the Dutch economy over the past decade, and discusses what further product market reforms might contribute to enhancing growth. In general, competitive pressures appear to be relatively strong in the Netherlands, particularly in the traded goods sector. Competition in product markets has been strengthened through the creation of a competition authority (NMa) and the Competition, Deregulation and Legislative Quality project (MDW). A planned reduction in the administrative burden will also help to strengthen competition, by reducing barriers to business start-ups and the expansion of small businesses, as well as lowering business costs. However, competitive pressures and productivity growth are weaker in the Dutch services sector. Planning restrictions are inhibiting competition and productivity growth in the retail sector and there is considerable scope to eliminate practices that restrict competition in professional services, even though both are relatively liberalised in the Netherlands. Reforms in electricity, gas and telecoms are recent and market power on the part of incumbent firms remains a concern. Competitive pressures in these industries could be increased by enhancing the powers of the regulators and eliminating barriers to entry.


Economics --- Netherlands

Coping with Very Weak Primary Schools: Towards Smart Interventions in Dutch Education Policy
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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This case study looks at the effectiveness of policy instruments aimed at reducing the number of underperforming primary schools in a system with a long tradition of school autonomy. It reviews relevant Dutch policy developments in education since 1998 and provides an in-depth analysis of five selected schools and their responsiveness to the policy instruments under study. Interviews with relevant stakeholders explore a key issue: what happens after a reform is introduced, and what are the elements that make it successful (or not)? The study suggests that there is not a linear cause and effect driving changes in educational performance of schools. For example, even the assignment of the label ‘very weak’ can elicit a positive response from one school and a negative response from another, depending on the local context, history and staffing situation at the school. The same intervention can thus create a vicious cycle that triggers increasing deterioration of schools or a virtuous cycle that improves conditions to an extent that surpasses the original goal of the reform. This goes some way to explaining why some reform measures unintentionally backfire while others quickly (‘virally’) spread over the system and set a virtuous cycle in motion that engages all parts of the system.


Education --- Netherlands

Les nouveaux déterminants de la mobilité aux Pays-Bas, en 2012 et au-delà
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Au début de 2011, le Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis a effectué une analyse de la mobilité, axée sur les tendances récentes. Il en est ressorti qu'après un essor remarquable dans les années 80 et 90, la mobilité des personnes dans son ensemble, au niveau national, n'a pas augmenté depuis 2005. Ce constat concerne en particulier l'usage de la voiture. Abstraction faite de la crise économique vers 2008/2009, on ne distingue pas encore bien pour l'heure les causes de cette évolution…


Transport --- Netherlands

Strengthening Innovation in the Netherlands : Making Better Use of Knowledge Creation in Innovation Activities
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2006 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Strengthening the innovation system in the Netherlands is a priority for raising productivity growth, which has been relatively weak in recent years. Knowledge creation in the Netherlands is strong -- scientific publications per capita are the sixth highest in the OECD -- but innovation activity is only around the average for OECD countries according to the EIS Summary Innovation Index. The main weaknesses are in business R&D intensity, the share of the population with tertiary education, and in commercially applying new knowledge. This paper discusses reforms being implemented to overcome these weaknesses and suggests directions for building on such reforms. Co-operation between public research organisations and innovating firms is being strengthened, support for innovation is being rationalised and measures are being taken to increase both the current and prospective supply of scientists and engineers with a view to making the Netherlands a more attractive location for R&D investments. To increase the tertiary attainment rate, the authorities are considering introducing shorter tertiary courses and are experimenting with greater competition among tertiary education suppliers for public funds. To strengthen performance in commercial application of new knowledge, barriers to entrepreneurship are being reduced but more should be done to strengthen incentives for entrepreneurship. This Working Paper relates to the 2005 OECD Economic Survey of the Netherlands (


Economics --- Netherlands

Improving the Flexibility of the Dutch Housing Market to Enhance Labour Mobility
Year: 2011 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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The housing market figures among the main determinants of labour mobility, as households seldom make employment and housing decisions independently of each other. This interdependence is likely to strengthen as the cost of commuting increases, due to worsening road congestion or measures that would raise fuel prices, for example to counter global warming. The Dutch housing market is more rigid than in many other OECD countries, as the result of numerous government interventions. Boosting labour mobility by easing rigidities would improve labour resource utilisation, which will be especially important as the labour force contracts with ageing. The rental sector could be made more attractive and flexible by dismantling strict rent regulation and rigid allocation mechanisms in the social housing sector. Lowering tax incentives to homeowners would improve the allocation of scarce capital and reduce house prices. Easing strict land-use and zoning regulation would increase the supply of all types of housing, reducing prices and allowing the housing stock to adjust better to residents’ needs. This Working Paper relates to the 2010 OECD Economic Survey of the Netherlands ( netherlands).


Economics --- Netherlands

The Netherlands' Firebird School : Clusters for A Flexible Learning Environment
Year: 2005 Publisher: Paris : OECD Publishing,

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Innovative teaching methods and organisational change make new demands on our future learning environments. The Brink and the Laak Clusters are two related examples of a new type of building for a community in the Netherlands. The Firebird School (Vuurvogel), a primary school for students from ages 4 to 12, is currently housed in the Brink Cluster and will move to the Laak when it opens in 2006. The Firebird School’s needs and the resulting flexible building design are described here along with useful characteristics for creating flexibility in the learning environment.


Education --- Netherlands

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